Since 1998


How to never forget an email attachment again

"With the file attached this time . . . ".  Sounds familiar? Well I’ve done it too.  I’m not here to judge, but rather to share with you the method I think is infailable to never forget an attachment again.
created 07 October 2015
revised 10 February 2017 by

Preparing a safe and beneficial Mount Ventoux ride

From the calm and“bon vivre”-smelling plain of Mazan one would not believe that the Giant of Provence, erected at the distance, obtructing the horizon, seen as early as the exit of Avignon, will show quite a different image once you reach the“lunar cap”, this white rocky...read more >>
created 22 May 2013
revised 10 February 2017 by

Safely flying overseas with a valuable bike

Last time I flew to Australia I faced the dilemma "Should I travel with my bike from France to Australia, or should I get the one I already have there (although interstate)".  Past the shiver that hits you just thinking of putting your valuable bike in a bag that may be...read more >>
created 21 February 2013
revised 10 February 2017 by

A French IT professional on how to lose weight in 16 tips

There is no magical way to lose weight.  In the vast majority of cases it is all fortunately and unfortunately related to maths, very simple ones here: loss=output-input.
It can nonetheless be hard to make this substraction equal 0 or better, be positive, as they are a...read more >>
created 30 December 2012
revised 19 July 2017 by

Ten good reasons to work out after work rather than before

I don’t really need funding to carry on research to figure out that Australians prefer to do sport in the morning, before heading to the office, rather than in the evening, let’s say after work.  On the other hand, since I regularly spend time in France, I realise that over...read more >>
created 19 February 2012
revised 19 May 2017 by

Lifestyle comparison Australia vs France - What you could be missing in either place

A rare image under the Tropics, this one is genuine, taken in Anse Vata, Nouméa.  But is it possible to be completely happy when you’re not at home.
After nine years of returns between Australia and France and my careful observations that go with them, I can suggest a...read more >>
created 29 November 2011
revised 04 May 2019 by

The most French city in Australia: Brisbane

Vélibs, JCDecaux, street furniture, new pedestrians malls, constant search for new architecture, nothing’s missing to the capital City of Queensland, also known as the most economically growing city in Australia in the 21st century.
created 23 August 2011
revised 11 February 2017 by

Tightening a bolt without a torque wrench

If you like to Do It Yourself, or are simply paranoid about letting a workshop worker assuring your safety on two wheels, you should consider buying a much handy torque wrench.

However, depending on its model, you might find your access to certain screws limited if...read more >>
created 26 June 2011
revised 10 February 2017 by
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